We Start Puppies & Tune-up GrownDogs
6m+ to any Age or Experience Level
Young Dog Starter Program
The dogs will be learning to smell, find and position themselves around the hog in a wooded pen. Nothing to rough since the dogs are trying to learn respect gradually. The point is not to break the dog so fast that they lose their spirit.
Once the dog is independently finding hogs in the wooded pen, then there will be introduction of other dogs one at a time. They will work with other dogs while baying a hog that is size appropriate. The dogs learn team work. Working socialization so the dog hunts no matter what other dogs are present and doing.
Working dog independence. Sessions in an wooded pen on his own hog of an appropriate level. The dog is taught independence and teach the dog to strike instead of follow. Assessments of the dog are done on the method of finding and striking, so that advancements in independence is supported. The dog is sent others dogs one at a time to flow back into team work. Your dog at this point will still know he started that bay on his own but he must work together in the pack to accomplish the goal.
Grown Dog Tune-up
To be determined after a assessment of each individual dogs specific needs.